Supporting needy
Ramadan 2022 is approaching, and we are looking forward to it. Pray that God will shower us with love, peace & prosperity for humanity, Ameen.As we know, covid made the poor “poorer”. They are in need in many ways, especially in Ramadan. We are happy to adopt two Masajid for Iftar where almost 100+ needy join iftar every day. During the weekend, it will be doubled.There are multiple families that are in need during Ramadan, those without a proper food. To address this, “Share My Kitchen” is back to support those families in the two Masajids, one in Agra and one in Aligarh. Almost 200 families, on both places. As for now minimum $25 per family WEEKLY. And $100 iftar on Fridays throughout the month. Please donate generously, so we can share our dinner with them for Ramadan 2022. We are looking forward to running this with your support.
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